​sara collins pta

Event descriptions

Breakfast Buddies

  • Dads, Granddads and Special Friends are invited to come at 7am for a guest speaker
  • Chick-fil-A biscuits are available for purchase for breakfast
  • Speakers vary and are advertised prior to the event

Family Fun Night

  • PTA partners with local restaurants on certain nights of the week
  • This is a great way to connect with school friends and families

Book Fair

  • Scholastic Book Fair is held in the media center - Once in the Fall and once in the Spring

Red Ribbon Week

  • Alcohol and drug prevention awareness campaign
  • Work with Sarah Payne, School Counselor, to determine theme for the week as well as items to give student
  • Coordinate volunteers to distribute theme items

Veteran’s Day Luncheon 

  • Day to honor the Veterans in our children’s lives
  • Coordinate volunteers to check-in, direct and serve drinks to Veterans

Grandparents/Special Friends Lunch

  • Children invite their loved ones to join them for lunch
  • Coordinate volunteers to check-in guests, decorate tables and serve drinks

Bingo Night

  • Enjoy a fun night of Bingo with your family and friends
  • Pizza and drink are available for purchase

Love Luncheon

  • Special lunch to celebrate our teachers and staff
  • Coordinate volunteers to provide crock pot soups, condiments and desserts
  • Work with cafeteria staff for items needed

Literacy Week

  • Week-long celebration for the love of Reading!
  • Coordinate volunteers to help with activities during school day

Family Arts Night

  • A night to showcase artwork made by the students
  • Coordinate volunteers and artwork display

Pay it Forward

  • Students learn to give back to the community
  • A charity is chosen and money is collected throughout the week

Parent / Staff Party

  • A night for parents and SCE staff to gather with friends old and new
  • Open up your home, plan the theme and food offerings

Field Days

  • A full day of outdoor fun and games for the kids
  • Coordinate volunteers for lunch shifts, food donations and work with cafeteria to plan food offerings

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

  • Celebration for our awesome volunteers
  • Coordinate lunch menu and volunteers

Staff Appreciation Week

  • Week-long celebration for the teachers and staff
  • Determine a theme for the week, plan small events each day, and coordinate lunch at the end of the week